Monday, August 1, 2011

First App

Today, I completed the HelloPurr app challenge, as well as the PaintPot and the MoleMash challenges. While I initially had trouble accessing the software necessary to construct these apps in order to complete these challenges, once I was able to access the software smoothly, I encountered few obstacles in the way of their completion. The PaintPot app challenge had me construct an app that allowed a user to draw with colored lines on their mobile device's touch screen, while the MoleMash app challenge had me construct a game similar to Wack-a-Mole for one's mobile device. The MoleMash game was the most interesting to create, though I ran into minor difficulties when I confused labellings for hit-points and the actual hit-points within the blocks editor. Above is a picture of the MoleMash after I included slight modifications to make it into DarthStomp, a similar concept with a Star Wars theme. The MoleMash program involved the creation of a a new action, MoveMole where the sprite would move to random spaces on the canvas when appropriately prompted, based on the dimensions of the canvas and the sprite. Such a prompt was programmed to be a touch to the touch screen, and the MoveMole would continue every second based on the clock/timer prompt. Hit and miss tallies were programmed to increase with appropriate touches of the sprite. I found that while the whole of the Block Editing was large, the step-by-step processes presented in the textbook made the task of putting the program together fairly easy. As stated before, the only setbacks came from the mixing-up of various prompts, and such errors were recognized through double checking and were immediately corrected. This process can be seen in all three of the programming challenges, but it was enjoyable to the point that I am looking forward to repeating it many times during my tenure at Google.


  1. I love the Star Wars theme! I think it was a great idea to make it your own. I also agree that the book was very helpful with a lot of detail.

  2. Very nice idea. +1
    I never actually interpreted the MoleMash in such an in-depth manner. Really opens your eyes to how simple, these complicated things are.


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