Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 2: Bugs and Backache

Day 2: E2 at MIT! Those ladybugs...grrr. Today was quite an experience! I started out making a quiz about presidents and used the images list along with the next button to forward through pictures. It was pretty easy in the setup and I felt like I grasped the concept of "if else" well. The second tutorial I worked through was Ladybug Chase. It took quite a while to get through all the steps as I had to make the specifications for the ladybug, the collisions of the ladybug and the aphid, the collisions of the frog and the ladybug and the restart button as well as the clock and a few other features. See the block editor for this attached. The most challenging part for me was getting used to defining my own procedures and variables- but I eventually got the hang of it and I began to expect the steps beforehand. I felt pretty accomplished when I correctly had the ladybug eat the aphid in block editor without using the steps on the next page! I'm hoping the program works on the android phone- but everything else seems to be working well, atleast with the emulator. Woo! :)

1 comment:

  1. The book wasn't very specific on their implications toward creating programs, then after bringing the programs definition into the picture. It seemed like the book wanted us to use the definition, even if it weren't programmed.


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