Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 1- Fidgety

Day 1- E2 at MIT: Today, for the first time, I used App Inventor, a googlelabs product. The most challenging part of App inventor was getting used to the layout and format of block editor to add behaviors to the component. Working through three tutorials--Hello Purr, Paint Pot and Mole Mash--I feel like I have gained a basic understanding of the application. Following the instructions in the manual was definitely easier than I expected. However, a bunch of the steps in block editor were slightly repetitive and tedious, especially in Paint Pot. Many of the side notes that the manual made were useful for putting our steps into context; however, I feel like I need to reread some of the instructions to reinforce what I created through the tutorials. The entire process took around 3 hours. Right now, I'm fidgety more than anything else! See the screen shot for the block editor of Mole Mash attached.


  1. I think we're all really fidgety at the moment! I agree that a lot of the steps are kind of repetitive, but I guess we need the practice to figure out where all the blocks are?

  2. Definitely fidgety!
    ...and yes, very repetitive.
    I noticed that the book said it did that on purpose so that in the case that we had an error in one part of our program, it wouldn't affect everywhere else we would have used that code had we copied + pasted.


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